St John Brebeuf Roman Catholic Church

We are a Roman Catholic Parish in the River Heights Neighborhood of Winnipeg.

Come join us as we give thanks to God the Father through Jesus Christ, discover our kinship with one another through the Holy Spirit, and encourage one another on the Way of discipleship.

Mass Times

Lord’s Day Masses

Saturday 5pm

Sunday 10am

Weekday Masses

Tuesday 9:15am

Wednesday 9:15am

Thursday 9:15am

Friday Adoration 8:15am followed by Mass 9:15am

Exception: Mass is celebrated at Tuxedo Villa on the third Wednesday of each month at 10:30am.

Reconciliation is offered Saturdays at 4pm, or by appointment.

Lenten Resources

All parishioners and staff members from St. John Brebeuf Parish can sign up for free!

To sign up for free:

  1. Visit

  2. Enter your parish name or postal code

This Lent, we invite you to pray, learn, act, reflect, watch videos and donate to support Development and Peace partners in the Global South who are building a world of justice!

Solidarity Calendar 2025

Moving Toward the Cross Booklet

At the entrance of the church, you will find a booklet titled “Moving Toward the Cross”, a collection of reflections on the writings of Frederick Buechner, by Martin E. Marty.

We hope this resource will assist you in preparing for Lent. 

SJB Prayer and Life Workshops- A New Evangelization

Are you looking for peace or freedom in your life? Would you like to deepen your bond with God?
Come, learn to live and attend the Prayer and Life Workshop

“…. Your word is lamp to my feet and light to my path.”

Psalm 109:105-106


LEARN TO PRAY in a variety of forms as you advance towards
contemplative prayer in a progressive and practical manner. All the
styles and methods of prayer will strengthen your capacity to be
silent and to grow in your interior life. You will acquire the daily
habit of deep prayer.

 Join us every Monday - Starting Monday January  27th, 2025. It’s Free!
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Ste. Marie Room, Saint John Brebeuf

More info: 


Phone: 204- 228-3574  

Prayer and Life Workshops Website

The Catholic Parent at St. John Brebeuf

Beginning January 12, 2025

Join us in community and fellowship as we view and discuss a six-part series featuring real Catholic families sharing their daily struggles and grace-filled moments. The Catholic Parent aims to encourage all adults to embrace our Baptismal call to build the Kingdom of God through the abundance of our Catholic Faith. 

For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body.  ~ 1 Corinthians 12:13

Audience: All adults welcome, teens welcome to attend with a parent or grandparent. Families preparing their children for sacraments in spring 2025 may find this series especially helpful. 

No obligation, attend as many or few sessions when available. There is no cost for this program. 

Three options for participation available: In-person, virtual, and independent study.


The  Knights of Columbus Council No. 1107 are excited to share the implementation of Cor, a new faith formation and fraternal opportunity for all the gentlemen of the parish.

Cor exists to form and strengthen Catholic gentlemen in faith and virtue as missionary disciples by drawing them into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, formation, and fraternity.

Cor will be held at 6:30 pm on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, starting January 8, 2025. Come join your brother parishioners to grow in faith and closer to each other.

We want to help you grow your faith, devotion, and your community.