St Jean de Brébeuf (The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, by Reuben Gold Thwaites, 1897.)

Saint Jean de Brébeuf, (1593-1649) ordained at thirty-three, was the first Jesuit Missionary in Huronia (1626) and a master of the Huron language even though he initially struggled to learn it. He worked throughout all the district, founding Mission outposts and converting thousands to the faith.  He went on to pen a Catechism in Huron, and a French-Huron dictionary for use by other missionaries.  He inspired many Jesuits to volunteer for the Missions of New France.

Massive in body, strong, yet gentle in character, his visions of the cross and of his future martyrdom were fulfilled when he was captured on March 16, 1649, and tortured to death by the Iroquois. He was martyred at St. Ignace, six miles from Ste. Marie at the age of fifty-six. Brébeuf is said to have the heart of a giant. He was known as the Apostle of the Hurons. Because of his ease of adaptation to the harsh Canadian climate, the Natives called him Echon, which means “load bearer”.

In Canada, his feast is celebrated together with St. Isaac Jogues and the Canadian Martyrs on September 26.  St. John Brebeuf Parish recognizes and celebrates this feast day in thanksgiving for the life and ministry of St. John de Brébeuf and all who have contributed to the life and mission of this community.

Did you know… that Jean de Brébeuf is credited with naming the game of Lacrosse.  The stick reminded him of the Bishop’s “Crosier” (la crosse).

Painting of St John Brebeuf in SJB School Entrance

Painting of St John Brebeuf at the entrance of SJB School

Prayer for the Intercession of Saint John Brebeuf

Lord God,

You have formed us in Your image.
In Baptism, we are called to spread the
Good News of Your Love by word and deed.
Through the intercession of Saint John Brebeuf,
We ask Your blessing on all the people
in our parish and school community.
Together, may we strive to be holy.

We ask this in the name of Jesus
and the power of Your living Spirit. Amen.